As a new feature here on the Sports Fellas we will be bringing you the Walk of Shame every week with our take on people in sports who need to shape up, shut up, or just go away.
1. Roger Clemens. Apparently this guy doesn't know when to quit. Surely he has to realize at this point that he has no credibility? You would think, but he went out of his way to continue his ridiculous denial of any steroid involvement. Seriously Rog, just go away. No one cares anymore. Your legacy is already ruined.
2. Manny Ramirez. If it wasn't bad enough that he torpedoed the Dodgers hot start with his 50 game suspension, Ramirez has now gone into hiding. Embarrassed to face the media or even his teammates. It's not just gonna go away big fella. The players who have rebounded from their link to steroids did so by coming forward and owning up to their mistake. It's really his only shot at a measure of redemption.
3. Brian Wilson. Wilson, the Giants closer got upset over the weekend that Casey Blake of the Dodgers mocked his save celebration by mimicking it after homering off Wilson. Apparently it's ok for closers like Wilson, Papelbon and others to show up hitters with their unexplained gestures but when the other side returns the favor it's poor sportsmanship. Wilson claims his gesture is done to honor his late father, but how could Blake or anyone else possibly know that? Hard to believe a guy who sports a mohawk haircut and numerous tattoos could be this sensitive. See pictures of the "gesture" here...
Have any suggestions for the "Walk of Shame"? Drop me an email at TheSportsFellas@gmail.com
I might dislike Brian Wilson more than anybody in the league. Uber d-bag. Also, I'm not one to accuse people of juicing, but he's added a little velocity to his fastball(routinely 99-100)since last year and looks a little bigger... Just saying. Maybe he just trained like crazy, but with his personality and all, wouldn't surprise me if he isn't doing it naturally.
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